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Gallette Scelto Piemonte Aroma Company quality Italian cookies View larger

144 Capsules Deck Aroma Light coffee Nespresso * compatible high quality coffee self-protected


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Traditional Piedmontese artisan shortbread. They are ideal to use as a bread for breakfast, snacks and refreshments; You can heat up in the oven for a few minutes to make them more fragrant.

Package: transparent bag

Ingredients: wheat Flour, sugar, whole milk, butter, 00 fresh eggs, baking powder.

Supplier: Scelto Piemonte

Pack of 240gr.

Cookies for bars and home use

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38,65 €

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Here's a summary of how the Italians ' breakfast habits changed since 30 years.

Between the two world wars and 50 years: the leftovers from the night before, salted
The first truly great approval of the Italians occurred during World War I, when soldiers in rations, were chocolate, biscuits, coffee and milk. They were accustomed to the leftovers from the night before as a few slices of cured meat or smoked fish, bits of cheese, bread, and for an almost meal usually mid morning after a few hours of work, and that they get enough until the evening. Breakfast was top heavy fats, and was mostly salty (the sweets were a luxury food, to be reserved for special occasions), but the effort meant that the waistline would remain better than today's and health, from some points of view, too.

60 years: sweets and industrial products become protagonists
Begins to make headway breakfast as we understand it today, based on milk and coffee, first offered only after special lunches and dinners. In the boom years come, butter, croissant, biscuits, spreads, snacks, honey, yogurt, cereal and jam, until then only made at home, it becomes an industrial product. The cookies start to become actors, and in 1964 was the hazelnut cream more beloved; There are also soluble barley and cocoa: breakfast turns decidedly towards dessert.

70 years: the healthy trend
The proof? The success of toasts, first niche product, called "slices of health". The first "light" products, and increases the success of yogurt, in addition to biscuits and croissants and packaged snacks.

80 years: the first signs of globalization
Increase with globalization also desire to explore new avenues, not necessarily. The product symbol, in this case, are the cereal flakes, accompanied by many whole grain products and high in fiber, Bran, oats and muesli. Growing consumption of sweets (by as much as 36%), driven by advertising, increasingly important and, in parallel, increase exports of Italian products from breakfast.

90 years: more attention to the line
The average circumference increases in all Western countries and, with it, the diseases of affluence. The answer is ready: even in breakfast arriving products "without" (sugar, for example), "low" (fats) or "by adding" (for example in fiber), and they always find more space the whole foods, honey, skim milk at the expense of butter and whole milk.

Years 2000: viva variety!
Today the breakfast is even more rich and varied, and those who go awry are always less (about seven million euro, down), because the message of the importance of this meal, conveyed through physicians and information campaigns, is passing. Next to all products of the 1990s, Italians often add the fresh fruit, bread, cereal complete with dried fruit, snacks and always cookies, holding firmly the primacy (consume them almost six out of ten Italians), at all ages. Coffee continues to dominate, but in recent years has grown a lot even tea, next to milk and all drinks made from getting popular domestic coffee makers like cappuccino and herbal teas.

Source: Corriere della Sera, Io Donna




Davvero ottime queste gallette. Sono leggere e gustose...per la prima colazione sono perfette. Io personalmente le abbino al caffelatte e ne mangio 7-8 al giorno. Le spalmo con marmellata di mirtilli o di arancia. L'energia che mi danno è quella giusta per iniziare la giornata con due bambine piccole.

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144 Capsules Deck Aroma Light coffee Nespresso * compatible high quality coffee self-protected

144 Capsules Deck Aroma Light coffee Nespresso * compatible high quality coffee self-protected

Traditional Piedmontese artisan shortbread. They are ideal to use as a bread for breakfast, snacks and refreshments; You can heat up in the oven for a few minutes to make them more fragrant.

Package: transparent bag

Ingredients: wheat Flour, sugar, whole milk, butter, 00 fresh eggs, baking powder.

Supplier: Scelto Piemonte

Pack of 240gr.

Cookies for bars and home use